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Osteopathy and Obstetrics de Stephen Sandler

Descripción - Críticas Pregnant women have always been troubled with musculo-skeletal problems which, until relatively recently have been poorly understood, often ignored and either not treated or treated inadequately. Dr Stephen Sandler has been instrumental in highlighting these very relevant problems and through anatomy and physiology, understanding their causation. He has pioneered the awareness and efficacy of osteopathic treatment for pregnant women to improve their antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal wellbeing. I would thoroughly recommend this book as invaluable educational reading, giving sound advice, to pregnant women, midwives obstetricians and of course osteopaths. --Malcolm Gillard FRCS FRCOG Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Reseña del editor Some practitioners hesitate to be involved with manipulation techniques and pregnancy. 'Osteopathy and Obstetrics' demonstrates that there is no scientific evidence to support such fears. During a pregnancy the patient is going to change both anatomically and physiologically in every part of her body. The obvious signs of this change include growth of the abdomen, change of shape of the spine and pelvis and the growth of the breast tissue. What is not so obvious are the changes to the cardiothoracic system, the gastrointestinal system and the renal system. Changes to the reproductive system are obvious only at the end of the pregnancy. Osteopathic practitioners with their structural, cranio-sacral, myofascial and visceral techniques are uniquely placed to facilitate these changes. This book looks at each body system, discovers the way that the system changes, and then suggests and demonstrates specific osteopathic techniques and diagnostic methods to allow the practitioner and student to practise obstetric osteopathy efficiently. Each section contains up to date references so that science-based medical principles are respected and followed. Safety issues are constantly emphasised so that the treatment experience is a pleasant and successful one for both patient and practitioner. The book is divided into sections dealing above the diaphragm, below the diaphragm, and in the pelvis. Each section is illustrated by photographs and supported by text boxes and line diagrams. The author is a practicing osteopath and has 30 years experience of teaching osteopathy and obstetrics. In 1980 he set up the first clinic to treat expectant mothers at the British School of Osteopathy . He has written this book to satisfy the demand of student osteopaths and mature practitioners wherever osteopathy is taught and practised. Introduction Chapter One :The Physiology of the female hormones during pregnancy Chapter Two: Above the Diaphragm Chapter Three: Treatment techniques for the cervical and thoracic spine, ribs, diaphragm and mediastinum during pregnancy . Chapter Four: Below The Diaphragm Chapter Five: Treatment techniques below the diaphragm during pregnancy Chapter Six: The Pelvis and lumbar spine Chapter Seven: Treatment techniques below the pelvis and lumbar spine during pregnancy Chapter Eight: The Pregnancy generalities regarding pregnancy and the Osteopathic Evaluation of pregnancy KEY POINTS First textbook on osteopathy for 5 years Outstanding expert author/practitioner Worldwide appeal Biografía del autor Dr Stephen Sandler, DO, PhD; Portland Hospital, London

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Osteopathy and Obstetrics
  • Autor: Stephen Sandler
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 264 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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